The Melrose Messenger

Keeping Melrosians Informed Since 2024

2024 General Election Guide for Melrose Voters

voting dates

This year's General Election will take place on Tuesday, November 5th from 7am to 8pm at the Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School Gym. Early voting will take place at City Hall between October 20th and November 1st.

If you prefer to vote by mail, you can apply for a mail-in ballot here. The Melrose Elections office has mailed out all ballots requested to date, and the deadline to request a mail-in ballot is Tuesday, October 29 at 5 p.m. Ballots can be returned in one of the following ways:

Mail-in ballots cannot be dropped off at a polling place on Election Day.

All Melrose voters will see the same offices and questions on their ballots this fall. This information can be found on the Secretary of State's website here or in the images of the sample ballots below.

More information about the ballot questions, including arguments for and against each one, can be found in the Voter Information packet, published by the Secretary of State and mailed to all registered voters earlier this fall.

You can find our coverage of local discussion of the ballot questions here.

sample ballot
sample ballot